Some applications need to be “embedded” into a vehicle in order to streamline data collection, identify and track assets in specific and difficult environments, or for applications where fixed or mobile tracking solutions cannot be used.

STid has worked the technical constraints (weight, impact resistance, temperature variations, vibrations, etc.) of on-board solutions to its advantage, offering a project management service for on-board applications.

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Aerospace applications

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Automotive applications

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MRO applications 
in the Aerospace industry

Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) – Built-in and mobile solutions

Optimizing MRO operations is critical to ensuring maximum availability of aircraft and reducing maintenance costs. The challenge is to identify and track aircraft parts.

In addition to tags associated with each component to be identified, the aircraft carries one or more smart UHF readers. They read, identify and write maintenance history information on each tag. 


The data is compiled by the onboard concentrator and collected directly via a cable or remote connection.

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Tag data can also be collected via a mobile UHF terminal. Tags are identified by a technician on the ground.

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Picture for the flyable and on-board applications in the aerospace industry

Icon for the on-board application in the automotive industry

MRO applications 
in the automotive industry

Built-in solutions

STid offers built-in asset identification solutions.

These include tailor-made readers in the vehicle for identification applications in real time and during vehicle operation.

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Picture for the automotive industry's on-board application